Setting Up a Document > Viewing and editing head content


Viewing and editing head content

HTML files are made up of two main sections: the head section and the body section. The body section is the main part of the document, the visible part containing text and images and so on. The head section is invisible, except for the document title, which appears in window title bars in browsers and in Dreamweaver. Give a title to every page you create.

The head section also contains other important information, including the document type, the language encoding, JavaScript and VBScript functions and variables, keywords and content indicators for search engines, and style definitions. You don't need to provide all of these elements for every page; you might, for example, provide keywords and content indicators for your home page only. You can view the elements in the head section using the View menu, the Document window's Code view, or the Code inspector.

To view elements in the head section of a document:

Choose View > Head Content. For each element of the head content, an icon appears at the top of the Document window's Design view.

Note: If your Document window is set to show only Code view, View > Head Content is dimmed.

To insert an element into the head section of a document:

1 Do one of the following:
Choose Head from the pop-up menu at the top of the Objects panel and click one of the object buttons.
Choose an item from the Insert > Head submenu.
2 Enter options for the element in the dialog box that appears, or in the Property inspector.

To edit an element in the head section of a document:

1 Choose View > Head Content.
2 Click one of the icons in the head section to select it.
3 Set or modify the properties of the element in the Property inspector.

For information about the properties of specific head elements, see the following topics:

Meta properties
Title properties
Keywords properties
Description properties
Refresh properties
Editing a script
Base properties
Link properties