Using Tables to Present Content > Exporting table data


Exporting table data

To export table data you create in Dreamweaver, you must save the data in a file format that accepts delimited data. Delimiter separators you can use are commas, colons, semicolons, or spaces.

You cannot select portions of a table to export; when you export a table, the entire table is exported. If you want only particular data from a table—for example, the first six rows or the first six columns—create a new table, copy the information to the new table, and export the new table.

To export a table:

1 Place the insertion point in any cell of the table to be exported.
2 Choose File > Export > Export Table.
The Export Table dialog box appears.
3 In the Delimiter pop-up menu, select a delimiter value for the table data.
4 In the Line Breaks pop-up menu, select line breaks for the operating system for which you are exporting the file—Windows, Macintosh, or UNIX.
5 Click Export.
6 In the dialog box that appears, type a name for the file and click Save.