Inserting and Formatting Text > Converting CSS styles to HTML tags


Converting CSS styles to HTML tags

If you have used CSS styles to specify text formatting (such as the family, size, color, and decoration of fonts) and later decide that you want to make the formatting viewable on a 3.0 browser, you can use the File > Convert > 3.0 Browser Compatible command to convert as much of the style information as possible to HTML tags.

Note: Not all CSS styles can be converted to HTML, because HTML tags do not cover or support all the attributes possible in CSS.

To convert a file that uses CSS styles to a 3.0 browser-compatible file:

1 Choose File > Convert > 3.0 Browser Compatible.
2 In the dialog box that appears, select CSS Styles to HTML Markup.
When you choose the Layers to Tables option, Dreamweaver replaces all layers with a single table that preserves the original positioning.
CSS styles are replaced, where possible, with HTML tags such as b and font. Any CSS markup that cannot be converted to HTML is removed. See CSS to HTML markup conversion table for information on which styles are converted and which are removed.
3 Click OK. Dreamweaver opens the converted file in a new, untitled window.

Note: You must perform this conversion procedure each time you change the original file in order to update the 3.0-compatible file. For this reason, it's best to perform this procedure only after you are completely satisfied with your original file.