Inserting and Formatting Text > Searching and replacing text, tags, and attributes > About HTML source code searches


About HTML source code searches

Use the Source Code option in the Find or Replace dialog box to search for specific text strings in the HTML source code. For example, a search for black dog in the following code would produce two matches (in the alt attribute and in the first sentence):

<img src="barnaby.gif" width="100" height="100"
alt="Barnaby, a black dog."><br>
We saw several black dogs in the park yesterday. The black 
<a href="barnaby.html">dog</a> we liked best was called Barnaby.

The phrase black dog also appears in the second sentence, but it does not match because it is interrupted by a link.

See Searching and replacing text, tags, and attributes for step-by-step instructions on initiating a search.