Inserting and Formatting Text > Creating lists > List properties


List properties

List properties determine the appearance of lists as a whole, as well as selected list items. This lets you create properties midlist. To view List properties, select a list item and choose Text > List > Properties, or click List Item in the Property inspector. (You may need to click the expander arrow in the lower right corner of the Property inspector to see the List Item button.)

The following options are available depending on the list type selected:

List Type specifies the list as bulleted, numbered, directory, or menu.

Style determines the style of numbers or bullets used for a numbered or bulleted list. All items in the list will have this style unless you specify a new style for items within the list.

Start Count sets the value for the first item in a numbered list.

New Style enables you to specify a new style for a list item within a list.

Reset Count To specifies a number other than the incremented value for the list item, enabling you to create nonsequential numbered lists.

You can control more list properties by using CSS styles. For more information, see Using CSS style sheets.