Inserting Media > About Shockwave movies > Inserting Shockwave movies


Inserting Shockwave movies

The software that plays Shockwave movies is available as both a Netscape Navigator plugin and an ActiveX control. When you insert a Shockwave movie, Dreamweaver uses both the object tag (for the ActiveX control) and the embed tag (for the plugin) to get the best results in all browsers. When you make changes in the Property inspector for the movie, Dreamweaver maps your entries to the appropriate parameters for both the object and embed tags.

To insert a Shockwave movie:

1 In the Design view of Document window, place the insertion point where you want to insert a Shockwave movie.
2 Click the Shockwave button on the Objects panel, or choose Insert > Media > Shockwave or drag the Shockwave button over to your document.
3 In the dialog box that appears, select a movie file.
4 In the Property inspector, enter the width and height of the movie in the W and H boxes.
For information on the other properties, see Setting Shockwave properties.