Editing HTML in Dreamweaver > Opening and editing non-HTML files in Dreamweaver |
Opening and editing non-HTML files in Dreamweaver
When you open a non-HTML file (for example, a .js file) in Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver does not alter it. These files open in the Code view (or Code inspector), with the Design view disabled. You can edit the file and save it as an HTML file or a non-HTML file.
You can set Dreamweaver to automatically open non-HTML files with certain extensions by default. For example, you can set the default preferences so that .js files automatically open in the Code view (or Code inspector).
To set the default preferences for non-HTML files:
1 | Choose Edit > Preferences, then select File Types/Editors. |
2 | In the Open in Code View field, type the file name extensions you want to open automatically in Code view. Put a space between each file type. |
The default file extensions listed are .js, .txt, and .asa. You can add as many as you want.