Reusing Content with Templates and Libraries > Creating, managing, and editing library items > Using the Library category of the Assets panel


Using the Library category of the Assets panel

The Library category of the Assets panel displays all of the items in the current site's library.

To create a new empty library item in the Assets panel:

1 Make sure nothing is selected in the Document window.
If something is selected, the selection will be placed in the new library item.
2 Click the New Library Item button at the bottom of the Assets panel.
A new, untitled item is added to the list of library items in the panel.
3 While the item is still selected, enter a name for it.

To insert a library item in a document, do one of the following:

Drag an item from the Library category of the Assets panel to the appropriate place in the document.
Select an item in the Library category of the Assets panel, then click the Insert button.

To edit a Library item:

Select a library item from the list and click the Edit button, or double-click the item's name in the list.

To delete a library item:

1 Select the item in the Assets panel.
2 Click the Delete button and confirm that you want to delete the item.
The library item is deleted from your site.

For more details about creating and editing library items, see Creating, managing, and editing library items. For more information about using the Assets panel to manage your assets, see Asset management overview.