Reusing Content with Templates and Libraries > Creating templates > Creating and Editing Templates in the Assets panel


Creating and Editing Templates in the Assets panel

Use the Templates category of the Assets panel to create new templates and manage existing templates.

To create a new, blank template in the Assets panel:

1 Click the New Template button at the bottom of the Assets panel.
A new, untitled template is added to the list of templates in the panel.
2 While the template is still selected, enter a name for the template.

To edit a template:

Select a template from the list and click the Edit Template button, or double-click the template name in the list.

To delete a template file:

1 Select the template in the Assets panel.
2 Click the Delete button and confirm that you want to delete the template.
The template file is deleted from your site.

To apply a template to a document:

1 Open the document.
2 Select the template in the Assets panel.
3 Click the Apply button.
Note that you must assign all of the existing content in the document to an editable region of the template, or the content will be discarded.

For more details about creating and editing templates, see Creating templates. For more information about using the Assets panel to manage your assets, see Asset management overview.