Dynamic Layers > Setting layer properties > Setting properties for multiple layers


Setting properties for multiple layers

When you select two or more layers, the layer Property inspector displays text properties and a subset of the regular layer properties, allowing you to modify several layers at once. To select multiple layers, press Shift while selecting layers. See Manipulating layers.

For information about formatting text in layers, see Text properties.

L and T specify the position of the layers relative to the top left corner of the page or parent layer.

W and H specify the width and height of the layers. These values are overridden if the content of the layers exceeds the specified size.

If you have div or span set as the default tag, the default values for location and size are in pixels (px). You can also specify the following units: pc (picas), pt (points), in (inches), mm (millimeters), cm (centimeters), or % (percentage of the parent's value). The abbreviations must follow the value without a space: for example, 3mm.

Vis determines the initial display condition of the layers. Choose from the following options:

Default does not specify a visibility property, but most browsers interpret this as Inherit.
Inherit uses the visibility property of the layer's parent.
Visible displays the layer contents, regardless of the parent's value.
Hidden displays the layer contents as transparent, regardless of the parent's value. Note that hidden layers created with layer and ilayer still occupy the same space as if they were visible.

Tag determines the HTML tag to be used. span and div are recommended. layer and ilayer create Netscape Navigator layers, but are only viewable in Netscape 4 browsers

Bg Image specifies a background image for the layers. Click the folder icon to browse to and select an image file, or type the path for the image in the text field.

Bg Color specifies a background color for the layers. Leave this option blank to specify a transparent background.