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Basal Metabolism Calculator

The Basal Metabolism Calculator requires a whole number for height. For example, the whole number in inches for a person 5 feet 5 inches is 65 inches.
Height (whole number, no fractions)
Female Male

Weight Commander
When you're serious about losing weight
lose weight
gain weight

Basal Metabolism

This CGI program calculates basal resting and active metabolic caloric rates. It came into existence as a teaching tool, so that daughter could teach Dad how to program in 1988 Amiga Basic. Dad is diabetic, so the exact proper balance of nutritional elements was of importance to him. graph Dad had this ancient book (say 1950's vintage) with a graphic, where for example, you located your weight on one line, and your height on a different line, and by laying a ruler between the points on their respective lines, crossed yet another line, etc. Dad is also a spacey old physicist from the vintage that remembers slide rules, so he could actually figure out the algorithms for the lines on the printed page. Daughter is actually an old graphics programmer from the early '80s vintage, so she knew the line crossing algorithms. The results of the father/daughter collaboration are the algorithms for this program. It was ported to Perl/CGI by the daughter.

lose weight What do the results mean? (for losing weight / for gaining weight) gain weight
Based on personal experience: To lose weight, you must eat less calories then the basal caloric rate. To gain weight, you must eat more calories then your active caloric rate. Also based on experience, the algorithms used - do NOT work, for those lean young men, who seem to be able to eat forever.
Weight Loss Tip: Find something else to do, other then eat or think about food. --- Room 42
Dietary Guidelines Height & Weight Tables

Public Service - Sound Medical Foundations

Disclaimer: Linda G. Fisher, the author of this site, is a computer person. Linda G. Fisher is NOT a Nutrition Expert. The results for an individuals calculations reflect undisputed (so far) metabolic calories for the individual entered criteria, and the percentage model followed is 30% fats, 15% protein, 55% carbohydrates. Every attempt is being made to represent current accepted medical knowledge.

Thank You planet Earth, for all your well wishes and comments.

This web page was originally intended as a technology demo, but I am certainly pleased that you all are enjoying it. The success of this web page seems to reflect the Internet at its best - in that this Basal Metabolism is freely available to any and all, with a Web Browser and Internet access.
© Copyright 1996 Room 42 Software™

By the way, Dad at 77, finally got curious enough to learn how to surf the net.

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We subscribe to the HONcode principles of the Health On the Net Foundation We subscribe to the HONcode principles of the Health On the Net Foundation

For further information regarding nutrition, contact your medical professional.

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