Dreamweaver Basics > About the different views in Dreamweaver > Customizing the Launcher bar


Customizing the Launcher bar

Use Panels preferences to specify which items appear in the Launcher bar and Launcher.

To specify which buttons appear in the Launcher bar and Launcher:

1 Choose Edit > Preferences, then select Panels from the category list.
The items selected to display in the Launcher and Launcher bar are listed in the Show in Launcher box.
2 To add an item to the Launcher and Launcher bar, click the Plus (+) button.
3 To remove an item from the Launcher and Launcher bar, highlight the item and click the Minus (-) button.
4 To change the order of the items in the Launcher or Launcher bar, select an item in the list and click an arrow button.
For example, to move an item to the right in the Launcher, move the item down in the list.
5 Click OK.
The Launcher and Launcher bar change to show the items you specified.