Using Tables to Present Content > Formatting tables and cells > Setting column, row, and cell properties |
Setting column, row, and cell properties
Select any combination of cells and then use the Property inspector to change the appearance of individual cells, rows, or columns. To select cells, rows, and columns, see Selecting table elements. To apply formatting to the entire table, see Setting table properties.
To format a row, column, or cell:
1 | Select any combination of cells in the table. |
2 | Choose Window > Properties to open the Property inspector, and click the expander arrow in the lower right corner to see all properties.
3 | Choose from the following appearance options: |
Use the Horz pop-up menu to set the horizontal alignment of a cell's, column's, or row's contents. You can align the contents to the left, right, or center, or to the browser's default (usually left for regular cells and center for header cells). | |
Use the Vert pop-up menu to set the vertical alignment of the cell's, column's, or row's contents. You can align the contents to the top, middle, bottom, or baseline, or to the browser's default (usually middle). | |
In the W and H fields, specify the width and height of selected cells in pixels. To use percentages, follow the value with a percent symbol (%). | |
To set a background image for a cell, column, or row, use the top Bg field. Click the folder icon to browse to an image; you can also type the image's path or use the Point-to-File icon. | |
To set the background color for a cell, column, or row, use the bottom Bg field. You can use the color picker or type the hexadecimal code for the color you want. | |
To set a border color for cells, use the Brdr option. | |
4 | Choose from the following layout options: |
Click the Merge Cells button to combine selected cells, rows, or columns, creating one cell. See Splitting and merging cells. | |
Click the Split Cell button to divide a cell, creating two cells. See Splitting and merging cells. | |
Select No Wrap to prevent word wrapping. This causes cells to widen to accommodate all data as you type it or paste it into a cell. (Normally, cells expand horizontally to accommodate the longest word and then expand vertically.) | |
Select Header to format the selected cells or rows as a table header. The contents of table header cells are bold and centered by default. | |