Managing and Inserting Assets > Using the Assets panel > Working with assets and sites


Working with assets and sites

You may want to locate the file in the Site window that corresponds to an asset in the Assets panel. This can be useful, for example, when you want to transfer the asset to or from your remote site.

The Assets panel shows all the assets (of recognized types) in your current site. (The current site is the site that contains the active document.) To use an asset from the current site in another site, you must copy it to the other site. You can copy an individual asset, a set of individual assets, or an entire Favorites folder at once.

Note: The Site window may show a different site from the one that the Assets panel shows. This is because the Assets panel is associated with the active document. To determine which site the Assets panel is showing, look at the panel's title bar.

To locate an asset's file in the Site window:

Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the asset's name or icon in the Assets panel, and choose Locate in Site from the context menu.

The Site window appears, with the asset file selected.

Locate in Site is unavailable for colors and URLs, which do not correspond to files in the site.

Note that Locate in Site locates the file corresponding to the asset itself; it does not locate a file that uses that asset.

To copy assets from the Site list or the Favorites list to another site:

1 Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the icon or name of the asset or assets to copy.
In the Favorites list, you can copy a Favorites folder as well as individual assets. (For information about Favorites folders, see Grouping assets in a Favorites folder.)
2 From the context menu, choose Copy to Site, and choose the target site name from the submenu. (The submenu lists all the sites you've defined.)
The assets are copied to the specified site, into locations corresponding to their locations in the current site. Dreamweaver creates new folders in the target site's hierarchy as needed.
The assets are also added to the specified site's Favorites list.
When you open a document in the target site, the Assets panel switches to that site, and shows the copied asset.
Note: If the asset you copied is a color or a URL, it appears only in the other site's Favorites list, not in the other site's Site list. This is because there is no file corresponding to the color or URL, so there's no file to copy into the other site.