Images > Using an external image editor > Launching an external image editor


Launching an external image editor

You choose Edit > Preferences > File Types/Editor to set an external image editor for the image file types you specify. Once you've selected an external image editor, you can launch it and edit images while you work in your Dreamweaver document.

To launch the external image editor, do one of the following:

Double-click the image you want to edit.
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the image you want to edit, the choose Edit With from the context menu to select an editor you previously defined, or choose Browse and select an editor.
Select the image you want to edit, and click Edit in the Property inspector.
Double-click the image file in the Site window to launch the primary image editor. If you haven't specified an image editor, Dreamweaver launches the default editor for the file type.
Note: When you open an image from the Site window, the Fireworks integration features described above are not in effect; Fireworks does not open the original PNG file. To use the Fireworks integration features, open images from within the Document window.