Using Dreamweaver and Fireworks Together > Dreamweaver and Fireworks overview


Dreamweaver and Fireworks overview

Unique integration features make it easy to work on files interchangeably in Macromedia Dreamweaver 4 and Macromedia Fireworks 4. Dreamweaver and Fireworks recognize and share many of the same file edits, including changes to links, image maps, table slices, and more. Together, the two applications provide a streamlined workflow for editing, optimizing, and placing Web graphics files in HTML pages.

If you want to modify Fireworks images and tables placed in a Dreamweaver document, you can launch Fireworks to make edits, and then return to the updated document in Dreamweaver. If you want to make quick optimization edits to placed Fireworks images and animations, you can launch the Fireworks optimization dialog box and enter updated settings. In either case, updates are made to the placed files in Dreamweaver, as well as to the source Fireworks files, if those source files were launched.