Using Dreamweaver and Fireworks Together > Editing Fireworks files placed in Dreamweaver > Editing Fireworks images |
You can launch Fireworks to edit individual images placed in a Dreamweaver document.
To launch and edit a Fireworks image placed in Dreamweaver:
1 | In Dreamweaver, choose Window > Properties to open the Property inspector if needed. |
2 | Do one of the following: |
Select the desired image. (The Property inspector identifies the selection as a Fireworks image and displays the name of the known PNG source file for the image.) Then click Edit in the Property inspector.
Hold down Control (Windows) or Command (Macintosh), and double-click the image you want to edit. | |
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the desired image, and choose Edit With Fireworks 4 from the context menu. | |
Dreamweaver launches Fireworks, if it is not already open. | |
3 | If prompted, specify whether to launch a source Fireworks file for the placed image. |
4 | In Fireworks, edit the image. The document window indicates that you are modifying an image from Dreamweaver. |
Dreamweaver recognizes and preserves all edits applied to the image in Fireworks. | |
5 | When you are finished making edits, click Done in the document window. |
Clicking Done exports the image using the current optimization settings for the source PNG file, updates the GIF or JPEG used by Dreamweaver, and saves the PNG source file if a source file was selected. | |
Note: When you open an image from the Dreamweaver Site window, the Fireworks integration features described above are not in effect; Fireworks does not open the original PNG file. To use the Fireworks integration features, open images from within the Dreamweaver Document window. | |