Inserting Media > Inserting Netscape Navigator plugin content


Inserting Netscape Navigator plugin content

Plugins enhance Netscape Navigator, providing ways to view media content in a wide variety of formats. Plugins are the means by which content files are played and displayed on your Web site. For example, typical plugins include RealPlayer and QuickTime, while some content files themselves include MP3s and QuickTime movies.

After you create content for a Navigator plugin, you can use Dreamweaver to insert that content into an HTML document. Dreamweaver uses the embed tag to mark the reference to the content file.

To insert Navigator plugin content:

1 In the Design view of the Document window, place the insertion point where you want to insert the content.
2 Click the Plugin button in the Objects panel.
3 In the dialog box that appears, select a content file for a Navigator plugin.

For information on the available properties, see Setting Netscape Navigator plugin properties.