Inserting Media > Inserting Netscape Navigator plugin content > Setting Netscape Navigator plugin properties


Setting Netscape Navigator plugin properties

After inserting content for a Netscape Navigator plugin (see Inserting Netscape Navigator plugin content), use the Property inspector to set parameters for that content. To view the following properties in the Property inspector, select a Netscape Navigator plugin object.

The Property inspector initially displays the most commonly used properties. Click the expander arrow in the lower right corner to see all properties.

Name specifies a name to identify the plugin for scripting. Enter a name in the unlabeled field on the far left side of the Property inspector.

W and H specify, in pixels, the width and height allocated to the object on the page. You can also specify the following units: pc (picas), pt (points), in (inches), mm (millimeters), cm (centimeters), or % (percentage of the parent object's width and height). The abbreviations must follow the value without a space: for example, 3mm.

Src specifies the source data file. Click the folder icon to browse to a file, or enter a file name.

Plg Url specifies the URL of the pluginspace attribute. Enter the complete URL of the site where users can download the plugin. If the user viewing your page does not have the plugin, the browser tries to download it from this URL.

Align determines how the object is aligned on the page. For a description of each option, see Aligning elements.

V Space and H Space specify the amount of white space in pixels above, below, and on both sides of the plugin.

Border specifies the width of the border around the plugin.

Parameters opens a dialog box for entering additional parameters to pass to the Netscape Navigator plugin. See Using parameters. Many plugins respond to special parameters. The Flash plugin, for example, includes parameters for bgcolor, salign, and scale.

You can also view the attributes assigned to the selected plugin by clicking the Attribute button. You can edit, add, and delete attributes such as width and height in this dialog box.