Editing HTML in Dreamweaver > Using the Code view (or Code inspector) |
Using the Code view (or Code inspector)
You can view the HTML source code for the current document in several ways: you can display only the Code view in the Document window, you can split the Document window so that it displays both the Code view and the Design view, or you can open the Code inspector. The Code view and the Code inspector work in exactly the same way; the only difference is that the Code inspector is in a separate window. Splitting the Document window to view the code makes it easier to view the visual design while you make changes in the HTML code.
As you add or change content in the Design view, Dreamweaver immediately displays the changes in the Code view or inspector. This makes the Code view or inspector a useful tool for learning HTML if you don't already know it, or for reminding yourself of proper syntax or values for specific tags or attributes. HTML tags and scripts are color coded and can be adjusted in the preference settings.
Changes or additions that you make in the code appear in the Design view only after you synchronize the Code and Design views.
To synchronize the Code and Design views:
Click in the Design view after working in a code editor or click the Refresh Design view button in the toolbar. (Choose View > Toolbar to display the toolbar.)
Dreamweaver never rewrites HTML that you type directly into a code editor. If you enter invalid code and Highlight Invalid HTML is turned on, Dreamweaver highlights the invalid code in the code editor. Error highlighting is on by default in the code editors. Error highlighting always appears in the Design view, even when Highlight Invalid HTML is turned off in the Code view.