Dynamic Layers > Using tables and layers for layout > Converting to 3.0 version compatibility |
Converting to 3.0 version compatibility
Use the Convert option in the File menu to create a 3.0 browser-compatible version of a page that uses layers. Dreamweaver creates a separate, converted document and preserves the original document.
In general, you should convert a document only when you are completely satisfied with your original fileotherwise, you must convert the file each time you change the original file.
To convert a file for use with 3.0 browsers:
1 | Choose File > Convert > 3.0 Browser Compatible. |
2 | In the dialog cell that appears, choose whether to convert layers to tables, CSS styles to HTML markup (character styles), or both. |
3 | Click OK. |
Dreamweaver opens the converted file in a new, untitled window. If you selected Convert Layers to Table or Both, all layers are replaced with a single table that preserves the original positioning.
Note: Overlapping layers cannot be converted, nor can layers that are off the page to the left or top.
If you selected Convert CSS Styles to HTML Markup or Both, CSS markup is replaced, where possible, with HTML character styles. Any CSS markup that cannot be converted to HTML is removed. See the CSS to HTML markup conversion table for information on which styles are converted and which are removed.
Timeline code that animates layers is removed. Timeline code that is unrelated to layers (for example, behaviors or changes to the image source) will execute as specified. The timeline is automatically rewound to frame 1. For more information about timelines, see Creating a timeline animation.