Customizing Dreamweaver > About customizing Dreamweaver menus > Rearranging menus and menu items


Rearranging menus and menu items

By editing the menus.xml file, you can move menu items within a menu or from one menu to another, add separators to or remove them from menus, and move menus within a menu bar or even from one menu bar to another.

Note that you can move items into or out of context menus using the same procedure as for other menus.

For information about the syntax of the menus.xml file, see About menus.xml tag syntax.

To move a menu item:

1 Quit Dreamweaver.
2 Make a backup copy of the menus.xml file.
3 Open menus.xml in a text editor such as BBEdit, HomeSite, or Wordpad. (Don't open it in Dreamweaver.)
4 Cut an entire menuitem tag, from the <menuitem at the beginning to the /> at the end.
5 Place the insertion point at the new location for the menu item. (Make sure it's between a <menu> tag and the corresponding </menu> tag.)
6 Paste the menu item into its new location.

To create a submenu while moving a menu item:

1 Place the insertion point inside a menu (somewhere between a <menu> tag and the corresponding </menu> tag).
2 Insert a new <menu></menu> pair inside the menu.
3 Add new menu items to the new submenu.

To insert a separator between two menu items:

Enter <separator /> between the two menuitem tags.

To remove an existing separator:

Delete the corresponding <separator /> line.

To move a menu:

1 Quit Dreamweaver.
2 Make a backup copy of the menus.xml file.
3 Open menus.xml in a text editor such as BBEdit, HomeSite, or Wordpad. (Don't open it in Dreamweaver.)
4 Cut an entire menu and its contents, from the opening <menu> tag to the closing </menu> tag.
5 Place the insertion point at the new location for the menu. (Make sure it's between a <menubar> tag and the corresponding </menubar> tag.)
6 Paste the menu into its new location.