Customizing Dreamweaver > About customizing Dreamweaver menus > Changing the name of a menu item or menu |
Changing the name of a menu item or menu
You can easily change the name of any menu item or menu by editing the menus.xml file. For information about the syntax of the menus.xml file, see About menus.xml tag syntax.
To change the name of a menu item or menu:
1 | Quit Dreamweaver. |
2 | Make a backup copy of the menus.xml file. |
3 | Open menus.xml in a text editor such as HomeSite, BBEdit, or Wordpad (don't open it in Dreamweaver). |
4 | If you're changing a menu item, find the appropriate menuitem tag, and change the value of its name attribute. If you're changing a menu, find the appropriate menu tag, and change the value of its name attribute. |
Note: In either case, do not change the id attribute. |
5 | Save and close menus.xml; then start Dreamweaver again to see your changes. |