Using Tables to Present Content > Inserting a table > Adding content to a table cell


Adding content to a table cell

You can add text and images to table cells.

To add text to a table:

1 Click in a cell in which you want to add text, and do one of the following:
Type text into the table. Table cells automatically expand as you type.
Paste text copied from another document. See Inserting text and objects.
2 Press Tab to move to the next cell or press Shift+Tab to move to the previous cell. Pressing Tab in the last cell of a table automatically adds another row to the table.
You can also use the arrow keys to move between cells.

To add an image to a table:

1 Click in the cell in which you want to add an image.
2 Click the Insert Image button in the Common category of the Objects panel, or choose Insert > Image.
3 In the Select Image Source dialog box, select an image file.

For information on setting image properties, see Image properties.