Using Dreamweaver and Fireworks Together > Launching Fireworks from within Dreamweaver > Designating Fireworks as the primary external image editor for Dreamweaver


Designating Fireworks as the primary external image editor for Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver 4 provides preferences for automatically launching specific applications to edit specific file types. To use the Fireworks launch-and-edit features, make sure that Fireworks 4 is set as the primary editor for GIF, JPEG, and PNG files in Dreamweaver.

Although you can use earlier versions of Fireworks as external image editors, these versions offer limited launch-and-edit capabilities. Fireworks 3 does not fully support the launch and edit of placed tables and slices within tables, while Fireworks 2 does not support the launch and edit of source PNG files for placed images.

To set Fireworks 4 as the primary external image editor for Dreamweaver 4:

1 In Dreamweaver, choose Edit > Preferences and select File Types/Editors.
2 In the Extensions list, select a Web file extension (.gif, .jpg, or .png).
3 In the Editors list, select Fireworks 4 and click Make Primary.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 to set Fireworks 4 as the primary editor for other Web file extensions.