Editing HTML in Dreamweaver > Using the Code view (or Code inspector) > Writing and editing code


Writing and editing code

As you write and edit your code in the Code view (or Code inspector), you can indent specific lines of code or check to make sure your tags are balanced. Indenting a specific line or section of code will help you separate that code from the rest, making it easier to find. Checking to see if your tags are balanced will help you ensure that all the tags have matching opening tags and closing tags, and is especially useful when you use multiple nesting levels in your code—for example, if you have nested several tables within other tables.

To indent selected code:

1 Select the line or lines of code you want to indent.
For indenting to work, the whole line must be selected.
2 Choose Edit > Indent Code.

The code will be indented. Choose Edit > Outdent Code to move indented code back.

To check for balanced tags:

1 Place the insertion point in the nested code you want to check.
2 Choose Edit > Select Parent Tag.
The enclosing matching tags will be highlighted in your code. Choosing Edit > Select Parent Tag again will highlight the matching tags that enclosed the previous selection.