Dynamic Layers > Creating layers on your page > Layers preferences


Layers preferences

Use layer preferences to define the default settings for new layers you create. Choose Edit > Preferences, then click Layers to change layer preferences.

Tag set the default HTML tag to use when creating layers. The options are DIV (default), span, layer, or ilayer. div or span are recommended to ensure that the layers work in all 4.0 and later browsers. layer and ilayer only work in Netscape 4.x browsers.

Visibility determines whether layers are visible by default.

Width and Height set the default width and height of layers created by Insert > Layer.

Background Color specifies the default background color. Select the color from the color picker.

Background Image specifies a default background image. Click Browse to locate the file on your computer, or enter the path to the image file in the text box.

Nesting makes a layer drawn within the boundaries of an existing layer a nested layer. Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) to temporarily change this setting while you're drawing a layer.

Netscape 4 Compatibility inserts JavaScript in the head content of a document and fixes a known problem in Netscape 4.x browsers that causes layers to lose their positioning coordinates when a user resizes their browser window. The JavaScript forces the page to reload each time the browser window is resized, re-assigning the layers to the correct position. You can also add or remove the JavaScript, by choosing Commands > Add/Remove Netscape Resize Fix.